Recapitalization Investments
ECI is aggressively seeking high-quality, existing mixed-use properties and projects under development that can be acquired or recapitalized at a discount to replacement cost.
Investments will also be considered for capital-constrained operating companies, investment vehicles that control high-quality real estate, undervalued real estate companies (public and private) as well as private real estate development companies.
ECI has the resources available to structure a capital investment to provide the necessary liquidity for existing sponsors and lenders to stabilize their property. Equity may be contributed to pay down current loan balances, fund leasing capital and operating costs or to service interest payments on a current basis.
Infrastructure Investments
ECI has formed a strategic alliance with a New York based private equity institution to invest in municipally owned parking assets and airports. We are pursuing investments throughout North America utilizing a variety of flexible financial structures that maximize the dollars received by public entity in need of cash to balance the city budget, replenish underfunded pension obligations or simply to raise needed cash for future general public needs. Minimum investment size is $100 million.